Thursday, February 7, 2013


what a coincidence right? (: well, maybe it just faith...nothing more... i'm do really really happy to see u again but when i saw u my heart will beat fast and even scare to face u too and ran away...u do know what kind of attitude u do have,besides talking people life at the back...but well,is very great to see u again (': I hope that u are fine and living in a happy life :) no more suffer life...and forget about revenge (:
                                                 HOPE SOMEDAY WE CAN MEET AGAIN....
                                                                           SO LONG......

Monday, February 4, 2013


Sometimes saying goodbye is very hard to a person....although it just for a while they with us...they  can't stay any longer with us because of their and God had plan for us and purpose too...we also can't deny's our faith... bye Delia (my maid) we'll miss u (': 

Saturday, February 2, 2013


                                              This is to my great-grandmother...
                                        Dear great-grandmother:
                                                         u're now ill and CNY is coming soon and we really hope u can
faster get not left us during the CNY time and please get well too...the most important thing is do not always give up on ur life...there so much thing we haven't done with u taking whole big family picture,dinner with big family and a lot...I know it hard for u to go through the pain...but please be strong for it...God will always guide u :,)                  
                                                       PLEASE STAY STRONG FOR US  (':              



Friday, February 1, 2013

no mood for CNY

                                              Oh geez! i can't believe none of my mum family and cousin coming 
                                  back ==! I've been patient for not going to my hometown and now none of them coming back! This year will be the WORST CNY and BORED CNY ever...*sigh* 


                                                    What should I do  to forget about u?
                                                          Everyday going to school,
                                              my memories about u will always flow in my mind...
                                       Giving up on u is the best decision and painful decision too...
                                                 But trying to forget u is like trying to recall back
                                                                    the memories we used to be...
                                                            It's that very hard to forget a person 
                                                                        that u love for years?

                                                   It's very pain to forget about u and losing u too...
                                              U do know that is lot of memories between us...(hell yeah u do know                   
                                                                                     for that)
                                                      How i wish my life do have a DELETE BUTTON 
                                                              so that i can delete all the memories and 
                                                                              move on..
                                                                         But what can I do?
                                                           Pretend that u doesn't exist in my life? 
                                                                 Or pretend that u are a stranger?
                                                                      None of them work.....

                                                                         All I can do now is
                                                         having lot of fun with friends,family and cousin
                                                                             to forget about u
                                                                               MOVE ON....

Monday, November 12, 2012


                                                       Leaving friends behind...? 
                                                    Just to achieve goals and dream...?
                                                         Doesn't it greedy...?
                                                        After all destiny had chosen us...
                                                     All we gotta do is just choose the right path...
                                                          Or letting it go and stay...

                                                         Give chance to others to have it...
                                                       Wether it might be hurt and sad...
                                                    But always be proud what had u done... :)  

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Konnichiwa!!!! Minna-san! ^^ I'm bck!!!! bck frm LIFE XD nah...just kidding XD
kinda miss blogging rite nw haha